Doing Business In Thailand: A Few Do’s & Don’ts
Thailand is known as the ‘Land of Smiles’, where the people follow Buddhist principles and mainly live for the moment and are not as stressed as westerners for this very reason. That smiling carefree attitude does not apply to a business environment however, and if you are planning to visit Thailand on business, here are a few do’s and don’ts to ensure that you are successful.
Do Dress Smartly
Thais are very particular about the way they look. This doesn’t mean you have to wear a suit; if meeting at their offices, a formal business suit would be appropriate, while meeting in a hotel lobby or restaurant requires smart casual. Be mindful of the meeting environment – whether it be in an air-conditioned meeting room or not. Dress appropriately.
Don’t Criticize Thais Or Thailand
This is a big no-no if you are doing business in the kingdom. Stay away from religion and politics when having dialogue and you should get the feel of suitable conversation topics. If, for example, you are looking for legal assistance for BOI approval Thailand offers when meeting with the lawyer, a negative comment about the Bangkok traffic could be taken the wrong way!
Do Let Your Host Take The Lead
The Thais are very hospitable and it is best to accept things when offered. You should be made to feel very welcome and resist the urge to cut to the chase. In Thai culture, it is usual for business people to socialise first. If your hosts are drinking copious amounts of alcohol and you are not a big drinker, load up with ice and soda; if you can keep up with your hosts, this will be well received.
Don’t Be Late

While it is typical for a business meeting to start late because of Bangkok traffic, some Thais are very punctual, so plan your journey accordingly and don’t be too concerned if your hosts are late.
Do Understand The Concept Of ‘Face’
Losing face is akin to being embarrassed in front of others. An example would be if you corrected a Thai when with their peers. You might be right, but that won’t make any difference. This is a tough one for some westerners to understand. Search with Google to find an in-depth description of ‘face in Thailand.’
Don’t Point Your Finger
This is generally regarded as rude behavior and whatever you do, do NOT point your feet at a person, as this is considered an insult! In general, Thai people like you to be quiet and thoughtful. They do not appreciate those who are loud and forceful with their opinions.
The Thais do know how to have a good time and it is unusual for the first meeting to happen in the office. You might be invited to a Chinese restaurant or a nearby hotel for dinner and if you bear the above points in mind, you should enjoy yourself and eventually, they will get down to business.