Great Theme Ideas for a Spring Time Quinceanera
The Quinceanera is a milestone in every young woman’s life, which is celebrated in many cultures with a social gathering; a party to celebrate the transition into womanhood, and if yours is coming up this spring, here are a few theme ideas to give you some inspiration.
Of course, spring is the time for new blooms to arrive, plus a young girl could be compared to a beautiful flower that is in its prime. With natural yellows, greens and browns, you are spoiled for choice. A floral print design is ideal and with the online boutique, you can view a wide selection of dresses for all occasions, plus you can shop at your leisure. Flowers in your hair completes the look, along with some pearl jewellery, leaving you looking radiant.
The butterfly is the perfect natural symbol for a young woman, as the beautiful flying insect made a transition from a caterpillar, and if you check out some of the stunning Peaches Boutique Quinceanera dresses that are available online, you can find a dress that would be suitable to add a few colourful butterflies. You can add the butterflies with the help of your local seamstress. The seamstress can also help you choose suitable colours and make the items too.
A Hat Theme
If you have a fun-loving family, why not ask all of your guests to wear a hat, which would raise quite a few laughs and you could organise a small contest to discover the weirdest hat! There are two ways to wear a hat, either completely over the top, or something that actually works with the outfit and it would be interesting to see which way your guests go with their choice of hat.
Spanish Style
Perfect for the occasion, as this tradition to celebrate your 15th birthday originated in Spain, and with bold and rich colours, you can wear a Spanish-style gown for the evening, while also asking your guests to come in suitable Spanish attire. You can find a wide range of designer dresses at the online boutique, and rather than buying in a trendy traditional boutique, you can save 15-20% when you shop online.
The Forties Theme
We all love the roaring forties, especially those of us who weren’t around at that time, and if you would like to check out the stunning designs from this colourful period, a Google search will bring up many websites to give you some inspiration. It is important to spend some time planning a themed party and with the décor tuned to your theme, you can create a special ambience as the perfect backdrop for your Quinceanera. When ordering your dress from an online boutique, remember to allow enough time to have your local seamstress make the minor adjustments that may be needed.