Wedding Ring Myths For The Superstitious
Old wife’s tales have survived centuries. This article looks at superstitions and myths surrounding wedding rings.
Buying a wedding ring is a wonderful experience as it means a couple is about to be joined in matrimony and signalling their love to each other. That special moment when the ring is placed on the finger is one that will last a lifetime. Before that stage, the perfect wedding ring has to be chosen with much to be taken into account to ensure it will be worn as a prized item of sentimental jewellery.
You may be interested to learn about some wedding ring superstitions and myths, and below are some of them.
Wedding Ring Too Tight Or Too Loose
It is said that if a wedding ring is too tight, it means that it could spark jealousy in a marriage as the tightness could signify a strangled or stifled relationship. Alternatively, a loose ring that could fall off is said to mean that the relationship will not last according to legend.
The Material Used
The material used is said to be important as the more valuable the metal, the more the giver is said to love their partner.
Pregnant Bride
If the bride happens to be pregnant, it is claimed that a wedding ring can predict the sex of the new child by tying a piece of thread to it. If held down towards the child, the mother can expect to give birth to a girl if it swings in a circular motion, or a boy in the opposite direction.
Dropping Your Wedding Ring
Apparently dropping your wedding ring will alleviate all evil spirits and bring good luck to a marriage with the item of jewellery being released of negativity, unless of course it falls down a drain!
The Fourth Finger On The Left Hand

You might wonder why the wedding ring is worn on the fourth finger on the left hand. Superstitions say that a vein runs from that digit straight to the heart, although killjoy medical experts refuse to verify this. Whatever, the myth has stuck. Perhaps a visit to a museum may offer further insight into wedding rings and diamonds.
Wearing Someone Else’s Ring
It is bad luck to wear someone else’s wedding ring, according to myths. If it’s from a previous marriage that ended badly, the ring is said to contain negativity and bad luck.
Wedding Ring Falling Off
If a wedding ring falls off, there is allegedly bad and good news. It can mean that firstly, you should have gone to a top class designer and jeweller in the first place, but it can signify that the relationship is also about to fall apart. It’s a wise idea to visit a bespoke wedding rings designer in Sydney, or an expert in your city, to get the ring fixed. The husband can pop the ring back on his dearest’s finger, and all is repaired.
Itchy Finger
If someone’s finger starts getting itchy, myths suggest it’s not down to a likely cause such as eczema, but it’s because they are about to encounter a proposal of marriage.
Of course, a lot of the above might be complete rubbish, but depending upon your belief of superstition, it’s probably a cause of relief to read and take heed!