Why Every Driver Needs Car Insurance in Thailand
Driving the world over is risky and every single country has a mandatory car insurance policy in place. Thailand is no exception. So, why is it that auto insurance is compulsory in the world over? Suppose you were driving your car. Due to negligent driving on your part, you damaged another vehicle and do not have the money to pay for the other vehicle’s repairs; this would be a major problem.
Personal Injury & Por Or Bor
Thailand has a unique system whereby personal injury insurance is combined with vehicle road tax, which is called ‘Por Or Bor’. This covers any claims made by persons who suffer injuries in accidents you are involved in. Imagine driving a vehicle and being involved in an accident where someone lost their life! The family of the deceased would obviously make a claim against any driver that is deemed to be negligent and this would be covered by the Por Or Bor policy.
Note: Driving a car in Thailand with expired road tax means that you have no personal injury cover.
Vehicle Insurance
If you are planning to purchase a new car, for example, you are advised to take out Class 1 insurance, which is comprehensive. Indeed, if you are buying the car on finance, part of the deal is that you take out class 1 insurance, as the vehicle does not belong to you until you have paid off the loan in full. Until that time, the vehicle is owned by the finance company and they would insist on adequate insurance to protect the asset. You can also check out other vehicle insurance such as the Class 3 car insurance or ประกัน รถยนต์ ชั้น 3 at bolttech or any other reliable insurance providers.

First Year Free
When you buy a new car in Thailand, there will be at least the first 12 months with free class 1 insurance. As you would expect, there is fierce competition among the major auto manufacturers and they use free car insurance as an incentive to buy. Some makers offer a full 3 years of comprehensive insurance, which is quite a significant cost. If you are buying a second-hand car, make sure it is taxed and with a Google search, you can obtain immediate cover from the online insurer before you drive the vehicle away.
Thai Law
It’s essential to be aware of at least some Thai government laws and requirements for foreigners wishing to obtain a Thai driving licence.
When you are involved in a car accident and there were personal injuries suffered by one or more party and you were judged to be at fault, the injured third parties can sue you for damages and that could lead to you serving time in prison. In order to avoid such a scenario, always make sure that you have valid insurance before getting behind the wheel of a vehicle in Thailand.
Sadly, there are foreigners in Thai jails who had an accident, had no insurance and do not have the money to pay for injuries. To avoid being in the same situation, never drive without insurance.