Cheesy Tomato Soup
I am the kind of person who will eat soup all year long, no matter what the weather is like. My all time favorite soup is tomato, especially with a grilled cheese sandwich. So when I saw this recipe I had to give it a try. It turned out pretty well. I think it would have been smoother if I’d used an immersion blender. And probably not as messy. There was a pretty scary moment when the top blew off my blender and sprayed hot soup all over the kitchen. However it was immensely delicious and exactly what I’ve been craving lately. Especially since all I’ve been thinking about is the cooler months that are hopefully on the horizon.

*Side note: I’m fully aware that this post is days late. I did make something last week, I just was a bit delayed in relaying the message. A lot of new stuff has been going on with the new website recently!